Whitehall Garden Centres Blog

Welcome to Whitehall Garden Centres Blog. We aim to provide you with hints, tips, information and advice on all aspects of gardening! It is a chance for you to ask us questions and to read our blog posts about what you should be doing in your garden each month.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Beautiful Spring Plants

Euphorbia Euphorbia polychroma- This is a bushy herbaceous perennial, which forms a thick mound of deep dark green sometimes purple tinted leaves. From mid spring to mid summer it has long lasting bright yellow flowers. These flowers are very bright even in the shade. This plant can grow upto 40cm in height and 60cm wide. It grows best in full sun but is tolerant of shade. It likes well drained soil with organic matter.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Plants to Attract Insects and Birds

Plants to attract Butterflies include Alyssum, Buddleis Davidii, Monarda didyma, Heliotropum x hybridum, Iberis matronalis, Anethum Raveolens, Gypsophilia paniculata, Hebe and Lunaria.

Plants to attract Birds include Acuba, Barberry, Buddleia, Callicarpa, Japonica, Clerodendrum, Cotoneaster, Daphne, Euonymus, Hebe, Hippophae, Hypericum, Illex, Mahonia, Rhus, Ribes, Skimmia, Snowberry, Syringa lilac and Viburnum.
Plants to attract Ladybirds include Achillea Millefolium, Anthemis, Buddeleia davidii, Convolvulus tricolour, Cosmos, Solidago.

Plants to attract Bees include Berberis, Buddleia, Ceanothus, Daphne, Lamium maculatatum, Escallonia, Ulex, Fuchsia, Lavender, Syringa Lilac,Mint, Marjoram, Cistus-rock rose, Skimmia, Spirea and Rhus

Beautiful Spring Plants

Bleeding Heart- Dicentra spectabilis. This is a wonderful, elegant herbaceous perennial. In late spring/ early summer the plant has arching stems that bear hanging heart shaped flowers with pink outer petals and crisp white inner flowers. The leaves are very fine and are almost fern like. These plants grow to 1.2m 4ft in height and 45cm 18inchs wide. It is best to be planted in damp, neutral soil with fertiliser and divided every three to four years.