For Cats there are 4 main products avaliable. These are "Growing success cat repellent" which consists of small pellets, " Get off Crystals", this product is a gel which you scatter on your garden and "Silent roar" which is also sold in a pellet form. All of these products have odours which cats do not like; this therefore deters them from entering your garden. The final and usually the most succesful cat repellent avaliable is a "Sonic Cat repeller". This uses a battery for energy or an adap

For Moles you can use a Claw trap or alternatively a product called "Growing success repellent". These are crystals which are dissolved in water then sprayed onto the area. You can also obtain a sonic Mole repellor which works in the same way as the Cat repeller however you can also have a solar powered Mole repeller.
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